Results for 'Anastasios Zopiatis Maria Krambia‐Kapardis'

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  1.  30
    (1 other version)Uncharted territory: Investigating individual business ethics in cyprus.Maria Krambia-Kapardis & Anastasios Zopiatis - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (2):138–148.
    The research purpose of the study is to investigate and identify correlates of ethical behaviour and attitudes of individuals currently working or pursuing a business‐related graduate degree in Cyprus. Analysis of the quantitative questionnaire revealed that the majority of the respondents had a concept of ‘ethical behaviour’, consider ethics important, and hold attitudes that are conducive to ethical behaviour in business. In addition, findings revealed significant differences in three correlates: age, gender and position. Finally, reflecting the findings, the authors suggest (...)
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    (1 other version)Personal values of accountants and accounting trainees in Cyprus.Maria Krambia-Kapardis & Anastasios Zopiatis - 2011 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 20 (1):59-70.
    Accountants are neither devoid of ethical dilemmas nor are they immune from financial scandals. In order to improve the credibility of the profession, it is important to study the personal values that qualified and trainee accountants consider important. Using Maccoby's instrument, which measures ‘head’ and ‘heart’ values, qualified accountants (chartered and certified) and trainee accountants were surveyed for the first time in a European Union member country (Cyprus) to ascertain their character ethical traits/personal values. Accountants were found to value ‘head’ (...)
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    Ethical Behaviour of Tertiary Education Students in Cyprus.Anastasios A. Zopiatis & Maria Krambia-Kapardis - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 81 (3):647-663.
    The purpose of this research was to investigate, for the first time, tertiary education students’ ethical judgements in the Republic of Cyprus academic environment. The authors developed and administered a quantitative questionnaire to a sample of 1,000 individuals currently pursuing accredited degrees at two tertiary institutions. Statistical analysis revealed four factors, named violation of school regulations, selfishness, cheating, and computer ethics that describe students’ ethical judgements in the academic environment. The results indicate that students exhibit the lowest tolerance with ethical (...)
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    Attitudes of management students towards workplace ethics: A comparative study between South Africa and Cyprus.Adèle Thomas, Maria Krambia- Kapardis & Anastasios Zopiatis - 2014 - African Journal of Business Ethics 3 (1):1.
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  5. Applying Evidence-Based Profiling to Disaggregated Fraud Offenders.Maria Krambia-Kapardis & Andreas Kapardis - 2016 - In Jean-Loup Richet, David Weisstub & Michel Dion, Financial Crimes: Psychological, Technological, and Ethical Issues. Cham: Springer Verlag.
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    Contextualizing compliance officers and their state of practice.Maria Krambia-Kapardis, Ioanna Stylianou & Salomi Demetriou - 2019 - Business and Society Review 124 (3):385-411.
    The compliance officers' (CO) profession has been evolving over the last few decades. The expectations placed upon the individuals holding such a position vary across jurisdictions, but they are all expected to ensure employees and management of the business entity comply with the law. Given the limited research on CO in Europe, and the increasing public interest in this profession, the current authors have carried out a survey in Cyprus in an effort to map out and contextualize the CO' profession. (...)
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    The Effects of Transcutaneous Spinal Direct Current Stimulation on Neuropathic Pain in Multiple Sclerosis: Clinical and Neurophysiological Assessment.Eliana Berra, Roberto Bergamaschi, Roberto De Icco, Carlotta Dagna, Armando Perrotta, Marco Rovaris, Maria Grazia Grasso, Maria G. Anastasio, Giovanna Pinardi, Federico Martello, Stefano Tamburin, Giorgio Sandrini & Cristina Tassorelli - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
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    Anastasios Brenner, ed. Les textes fondateurs de l’épistémologie Française. Paris: Hermann, 2015. Pp. 293. €35.00.María de Paz - 2016 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 6 (2):325-329.
  9. New perspectives on Pierre Duhem’s The aim and structure of physical theory.Anastasios Brenner, Paul Needham, David J. Stump & Robert Deltete - 2011 - Metascience 20 (1):1-25.
    New perspectives on Pierre Duhem’s The aim and structure of physical theory Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9467-3 Authors Anastasios Brenner, Department of Philosophy, Paul Valéry University-Montpellier III, Route De Mende, 34199 Montpellier cedex 5, France Paul Needham, Department of Philosophy, University of Stockholm, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden David J. Stump, Department of Philosophy, University of San Francisco, 2130 Fulton Street, San Francisco, CA 94117, USA Robert Deltete, Department of Philosophy, Seattle University, 901 12th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98122-1090, USA Journal (...)
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    Epistemology Historicized: The French Tradition.Anastasios Brenner - unknown
    Following the standard view, scientific theories are formal systems, which receive empirical content by way of certain correspondence rules. The task of philosophy of science is then to make explicit the structure of such systems. In contrast to this view, one can point to the French tradition in philosophy of science. What characterizes this tradition is recourse to historical study, which has evolved from an attempt to bridge the fields of philosophy of science and history of science by a closer (...)
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  11. Duhem face au post-positivisme.Anastasios Brenner - 1992 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 46 (182):390-404.
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    (1 other version)Is Expertise-by-Experience Impossible?Anastasios Dimopoulos - 2024 - Philosophy Psychiatry and Psychology 31 (2):109-111.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Is Expertise-by-Experience Impossible?The author reports no conflict of interests.In his article, "Experience and expertise: Can personal experience of mental illness make someone an expert?" Abdi Sanati uses Wittgenstein's arguments on private language and Ryle's philosophy of knowledge to critique the concept of Expertise-by-Experience. The principal argument is that introspection on personal experiences cannot constitute the basis for knowledge underpinning expertise. From the start, and in various sections of the (...)
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    Differential Sheaves and Connections: A Natural Approach to Physical Geometry.Anastasios Mallios & Elias Zafiris - 2015 - World Scientific.
    This unique book provides a self-contained conceptual and technical introduction to the theory of differential sheaves. This serves both the newcomer and the experienced researcher in undertaking a background-independent, natural and relational approach to "physical geometry". In this manner, this book is situated at the crossroads between the foundations of mathematical analysis with a view toward differential geometry and the foundations of theoretical physics with a view toward quantum mechanics and quantum gravity. The unifying thread is provided by the theory (...)
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  14. El argumento de indispensabilidad en matemáticas.Anastasio Aleman - 1999 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 18 (2):49-61.
  15. H. Floris COHEN, How modern science came into the world : Four civilizations, one 17th-century breakthrough.Brenner Anastasios - 2012 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 65 (2):395-397.
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  16. L'insediamento nella regione del Limes mesopotamico tra la fine dell'Impero assiro e la conquista romana.S. Anastasio - 2003 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 24:63-90.
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  17. Monumenti sulla via della seta: la spedizione di De Filippi del 1913-1914.Stefano Anastasio - 2008 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia:Università di Siena 29:57-76.
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    Probability rather than logic as the basis of perception.Thomas J. Anastasio - 2003 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 26 (3):283-284.
    Formal logic may be an inappropriate framework for understanding perception. The responses of neurons at various levels of the sensory hierarchy may be better described in terms of probability than logic. Analysis and modeling of the multisensory responses of neurons in the midbrain provide a case study.
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    Desigualdad, subdesarrollo y pobreza en la actual globalización ultraliberal.Anastasio Ovejero Bernal - 2008 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 18:107-177.
    Hoy día resulta imposible hablar de pobreza y de desigualdad sin hablar de globalización. El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar que no existe ningún determinismo, que el hambre, la pobreza, el subdesarrollo y las desigualdades que aún se mantienen en el planeta en medio de la abundancia y el desarrollo, no es algo inevitable, sino que es producido por unas políticas concretas que van dirigidas, intencionadamente, a unos grupos frente a otros.
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    Brunschvicg et l’histoire de la philosophie dans ses rapports avec les sciences.Anastasios Brenner - 2021 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 111 (3):307-320.
    Si l’oeuvre d’historien de la philosophie que Brunschvicg a élaborée est largement reconnue, ses efforts dans le champ de ce qu’il nommait philosophie scientifique soulèvent une certaine perplexité. Ce versant de son oeuvre aurait été éclipsé par Bachelard et sa philosophie du nouvel esprit scientifique. L’avènement de la philosophie analytique et sa réception en France auraient achevé de rejeter dans l’ombre la critique brunschvicgienne de la philosophie de la logique de Russell. Pourtant, Brunschvicg a oeuvré sans relâche à un rapprochement (...)
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    Sur Émile Meyerson et son œuvre. Revue critique.Anastasios Brenner - 2010 - Revue d'Histoire des Sciences 63 (1):299-302.
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  22. Mnēmē Anastasiou Giannara, 1920-1977.Anastasios Giannaras & Nikolaos Dēmētriou Chronēs (eds.) - 1981 - Athēnai: Ekdoseis Papazēsē.
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    Plato and K. R. Popper.Anastasios Giannaras & Fred Eidlin - 1996 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 26 (4):493-508.
  24. Sentencing in Cyprus: Structure, penal aims and case law.Andreas Kapardis - 2003 - Rechtstheorie 34 (1):85-95.
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    Solving hybrid Boolean constraints in continuous space via multilinear Fourier expansions.Anastasios Kyrillidis, Anshumali Shrivastava, Moshe Y. Vardi & Zhiwei Zhang - 2021 - Artificial Intelligence 299 (C):103559.
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    The Issue of Rhetoric for Christian Apologists in the Second Century.Anastasios G. Maràs - 2010 - Augustinianum 50 (2):409-421.
    Viewing rhetoric as a product of pagan culture, the Apologists take a negative stance toward it. For Justin the art of persuasion may be useful in all areas ofpublic life but it is useless when it comes to the metaphysical truth of Christianity. The strength to teach or interpret Christianity, Justin posits, comes from God, not rhetoric. For his part, Tatian dismisses forensic rhetoric on the grounds that it often subverts Christian ethics by defending injustice, sycophancy and money-making, in effect (...)
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    Minerva Rava an Torva?Anastasios G. Nikolaidis - 2001 - American Journal of Philology 122 (1):81-86.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Minerva Rava An Torva?Anastasios G. Nikolaidis1. Ovid Ars 2.659: Si paeta est, Veneri similis, si torva, Minervaetorva Merkel: flava R in marg. cum plerisque codd.: rava Heinsius: parva R cum aliquot dett.: fulva F.2. Priapea 36.4: Minerva torvo lumine est, Venus paetotorvo scripsi: flavo libri edd. vett.: flava et post hoc verbum commate interpunxit De Rooy (probant Vollmer, Clairmont, Parker): ravo Haupt: glauco Antonius.IMost codices for line 2.659 (...)
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    On a supposed contradiction in Ovid (Medicamina Faciei 18-22 vs. Ars Amatoria 3.129-32).Anastasios G. Nikolaidis - 1994 - American Journal of Philology 115 (1):97-103.
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    Eine unbeachtete Kuppelform.Anastasios Κ Orlandos - 1929 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 30 (1).
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    La fouille du terrain Yannopoulos et les établissements de bains à Thasos (IIIe-VIe s.).Anastasios Oulkeroglou & Stratis Papadopoulos - 2014 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 138 (2):467-507.
    The excavation of the Yannopoulos plot and the bathing establishments at Thasos (3rd-6th c.) This article concerns the bathing establishment excavated on the Yannopoulos property in the city of Thasos, its architectural particularities, the finds recovered, and its insertion in the urban environment. The twelve-room building, of rectangular plan, has three architectural phases. Two praefurnia, two hypocausts, and eight non-heated rooms have been distinguished. The study of this baths offers an occasion to present the totality of bathing establishments, public and (...)
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  31. La noción de convención en Wittgeinstein.Anastasio Alemán Pardo - 1994 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 12:369-382.
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  32. Sentido, sinsentido y filosofía.Anastasio Alemán Pardo - 2004 - Endoxa 17:63-90.
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  33. Wittgenstein: lógica, matemáticas y convención.Anastasio Alemán Pardo - 1995 - Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 14:57-76.
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  34. Joining the dots: Analysing the sustainability of the Australian Aboriginal art market.Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios - 2011 - Diogenes 58 (3):22-34.
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    (1 other version)Le marché de l'art aborigène d'australie.Meaghan Wilson-Anastasios - 2010 - Diogène 231 (3):28.
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    Les origines françaises de la philosophie des sciences.Anastasios Brenner - 2003 - Paris: Presses Universitaires de France - PUF.
    Quelle conception de la science proposer aujourd'hui? Les grandes doctrines du XXe siècle se sont heurtées successivement à des difficultés, que ce soit le positivisme du Cercle de Vienne ou le rationalisme critique de Popper. Même la perspective historique inspirée par Bachelard et par Kuhn a donné lieu à des versions disparates. Pourtant, toutes ces tentatives partent d'un même constat : l'échec de la vision classique de la science et la nécessité d'un nouveau discours. On peut en retracer l'histoire. Face (...)
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  37. Duhem, science, réalité et apparence.Anastasios Brenner - 1990 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 180 (4):679-680.
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    Is There a Cultural Barrier Between Historical Epistemology and Analytic Philosophy of Science?Anastasios Brenner - 2015 - International Studies in the Philosophy of Science 29 (2):201-214.
    One of the difficulties facing the philosopher of science today is the divide between historical epistemology and analytic philosophy of science. For over half a century these two traditions have followed independent and divergent paths. Historical epistemology, which originated in France in the early twentieth century, has recently been reformulated by a number of scholars such as Lorraine Daston, Ian Hacking, and Hans-Jörg Rheinberger. Elaborating novel historical methods, they seek to provide answers to major questions in the field. In the (...)
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    Duhem: science, réalité et apparence : la relation entre philosophie et histoire dans l'œuvre de Pierre Duhem.Anastasios Brenner - 1990 - Vrin.
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    From Scientific Philosophy to Absolute Positivism: Abel Rey and the Vienna Circle.Anastasios Brenner - 2018 - Philosophia Scientiae 22:77-95.
    On associe généralement l’expression de philosophie scientifique au positivisme logique, lequel se signale par son recours à la logique mathématique dans l’analyse des problèmes philosophiques. Or il apparaît à plus proche examen que cette expression est employée dès 1848 par Ernest Renan. La tentative d’élaborer une philosophie scientifique fait l’objet d’un long débat. Au tournant du xxe siècle, Abel Rey reprend cette question. Or, son livre, La Théorie de la physique chez les physiciens contemporains, exercera une influence forte sur le (...)
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    Virtue(al) games—real drugs.John T. Holden, Anastasios Kaburakis & Joanna Wall Tweedie - 2018 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 13 (1):19-32.
    The growth of esports as a recognized, organized, competitive activity in North America and Europe has evolved steadily from one of the most prominent sport industries in several Asian countries. Esports, which is still pursuing a widely accepted governance structure, has struggled to control the factors that typically act as a breeding ground for sport corruption. Within the esports industry, there is alleged widespread use of both prescription and off-label use of stimulants, such as modafinil, methylphenidate, and dextroamphetamine. Anti-doping policy (...)
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    How Did Philosophy of Science Come About?: From Comte’s Positive Philosophy to Abel Rey’s Absolute Positivism.Anastasios Brenner - 2021 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 11 (2):428-445.
    Recent research has brought to light numerous facts that go against received views of the development of philosophy of science. One encounters several concepts, claims, or projects much earlier than is generally acknowledged. Auguste Comte was careful to distinguish each major science with respect to method and object, speaking of mathematical philosophy, biological philosophy, sociological philosophy, and so forth. He thereby in a sense anticipated the regionalist turn: philosophical analysis should be carried out with respect to a specific body of (...)
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    L’épistémologie historique d’Abel Rey.Anastasios Brenner - 2016 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 90 (2):159.
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    Scientific Revolutions.Anastasios Economou - 1995 - Philosophy Now 14:19-21.
  45.  84
    Quelle épistémologie historique ? Kuhn, Feyerabend, Hacking et l'école bachelardienne.Anastasios Brenner - forthcoming - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale.
    Pendant un demi-siècle, la méthode appropriée en philosophie des sciences dans la tradition continentale était l'étude historique ; dans la tradition anglosaxonne, l'analyse logique. Ce clivage au sein du discours philosophique s'est grandement estompé de nos jours. D'une part, Kuhn a défendu la pertinence philosophique de l'histoire des sciences. D'autre part, Vuillemin et Gilles-Gaston Granger ont promu l'étude de la philosophie analytique et l'emploi de ses techniques logiques. Le rapprochement des deux traditions a pris encore une nouvelle tournure dans les (...)
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    Questions of Form: Logic and Analytic Proposition From Kant to Carnap.Anastasios Albert Brenner (ed.) - 1989 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    _Questions of Form _was first published in 1989. Minnesota Archive Editions uses digital technology to make long-unavailable books once again accessible, and are published unaltered from the original University of Minnesota Press editions. In _Questions on Form_, Joelle Proust traces the concept of the analytic proposition from Kant's development of the notion down to its place in the work of Rudolf Carnap, a founder of logical empiricism and a key figure in contemporary analytic philosophy. Using a method known in France (...)
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    Mach, Duhem and the Historical Method in Philosophy of Science.Anastasios Brenner - 2019 - In Friedrich Stadler, Ernst Mach – Life, Work, Influence. Springer Verlag. pp. 637-650.
    In 1903 Mach and Duhem, discovering one another’s writings, acknowledged the proximity of the philosophical views that they had been elaborating independently. A correspondence followed, which lasted several years. And in their ensuing publications both of these philosopher-scientists were careful to discuss their interlocutor’s claims. We have here ample matter for consideration. Mach and Duhem were to have an impact on the development of the Vienna Circle. Yet their conceptions are indeed different from those that followed. Characteristically, they drew on (...)
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    Quelle épistémologie historique ?Anastasios Brenner - 2006 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 1 (1):113-125.
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    Holism a century ago: The elaboration of Duhem's thesis.Anastasios A. Brenner - 1990 - Synthese 83 (3):325 - 335.
    Duhem first expounds the holistic thesis, according to which an experimental test always involves several hypotheses, in articles dating from the 1890s. Poincaré's analysis of a recent experiment in optics provides the incentive, but Duhem generalizes this analysis and develops a highly original methodological position. He is led to reject inductivism. I will endeavor to show the crucial role history of science comes to play in the development of Duhem's holism.
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  50. Les origines françaises de la philosophie des sciences, coll. « Science, histoire et société ».Anastasios Brenner - 2004 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 194 (2):236-236.
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